Encryption is a text masking technique , derived from
military use , which transforms in such a way that it may be correctly read
only with a special password called key . It uses two key’s a public key for
encrypting , usually known only to one computer or person , and a private key
for decrypting , usually known by all the computers or people which
legitimately may read the information . the size of these keys , and thus the
difficulty to be guessed , is expressed in bits , with 128 bite being the
typically most secure size used .
The two following schemas illustrates how B , C and D can send
secret messages using A’s public key .
The sent messages are encrypted and later decrypted by A with
his private key . In case somebody intercept a message , he is unable to
decrypt it correctly since he does not have A’s private key , which is know
only to A . Even when somebody uses the public key to decrypt , it does not
work .
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